1. Present: Brian Hambling, Graham Thomas, John Kent, Margaret Saner, Martin Nixon, Simon Tansey, Steve Allott, Stuart Reid.
2. Apologies: Colin Upton, David Ramsey, Isabel Evans, Laurel Saunders, Marco Giromini, Marq Harding, Trevor Price.
3. Agree Agenda:
02/4.1 The agenda was agreed.
4. Minutes from the Previous Meeting:
02/4.2 The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed.
5. Actions from the Previous Meetings:
00/6.5 Guidelines Section
Stuart has agreed to amend the guidelines section of the draft Standard
to ensure that it includes a section on how testers cope with poor or
non-existent requirements.
Carried Forward
01/1.10 Teams
A number of people have joined/left the teams since the last meeting. The teams as of 12th April 2002 are:
Team |
Techniques |
Members[* denotes the Team leader] |
Reviewers |
1 |
Configuration Portability |
John Kent* Fergus McLachlan Jackie Wynn Angelina Samaroo |
Grenville Johns Marco Giromini Justin Bennett Jos van Rooyen |
2 |
Recovery Disaster Recovery |
Jane Allerton* Pauline Rathbone Ethel Takang |
Justin Bennett Geoff Quentin Jos van Rooyen |
3 |
Performance Stress |
Steve Allott* Martin Nixon Mark Harding Julian Harty Simon Tansey Colin Upton |
Marco Giromini Justin Bennett Phil Skinner John Bradley Jos van Rooyen Antony Marcano |
4 |
Security Procedure |
Brian Hambling* Laurel Saunders Martin Nixon Trevor Price Margaret Saner |
Marco Giromini Justin Bennett Jos van Rooyen Dave Norman |
5 |
Interoperability Compatibility |
Phil Skinner* Hiran Fernando Anthony O’Brien Ray O’Connor Chuma Kokayi |
Marco Giromini Justin Bennett Kevin Buchta Lorna Allen David Ramsey Jos van Rooyen |
6 |
Installability Conversion |
Gareth Phillips* Angela Edwards Geoff Quentin Isabel Evans Marius Marais |
Justin Bennett Lorna Allen Geoff Bailey Jos van Rooyen
01/10.4 Circulate Glossary of Terms for Review
The Performance Testing Team has produced a glossary of terms relating
to their technique. The meeting proposed that all teams produce a glossary of
terms as part of the standard. This will be collated by e-mail, posted on the
web site for review, with an additional meeting arranged to review the
[22/02/02 Graham Thomas has contacted all Team Leaders and they have given a
schedule for the production of a glossary of terms for their technique plus
their availability for a glossary of terms review meeting. The consensus for a
meeting was not before June 2002.]
[23/04/02 Graham has arranged a Glossary Review meeting for 25th
June 2002.]
Carried Forward.
All Team Leaders
Circulate Umbrella Standards Document
It was stated that references to other techniques will be included as a global
section of the standard. Stuart will circulate the umbrella standards document
to the group.
This action has been revised to post the Umbrella Standards Document on the
website (www.tesitngstandards.co.uk),
in the procedures section.
[27/02/02 John Kent will e-mail Stuart Reid requesting the umbrella document.]
Carried Forward
Interoperability Testing - Update the Interoperability Testing
The team agreed to
· to check that the OED definition of communication did not require it to be two way
· to document how to detail attributes of the interoperability interface
· to document how to work out appropriate techniques for test case generation
Carried Forward.
02/1.4 Performance Testing
A number of amendments were discussed and Julian agreed to organise the necessary changes.
02/1.5 Procedure Testing
· Reference the IEEE standard on Software Reviews (IEEE 1028-1997).
· Include Model Office as a technique.
02/1.6 Test Patterns
Julian agreed to write a proposal for a BCS SIGIST sub group to investigate test patterns and forward this to Stuart for presentation at the next BCS SIGIST committee meeting.
Carried Forward.
Compatibility Testing - Meeting Actions
- Investigate the use of State Transition, Boundary Conditions and
configuration audits.
- Investigate the set of compatibility tasks; shared components, events &
triggers, operating system time slicing, cause & effect and sequencing of
activities e.g. installation.
- Include cross references to the interoperability and memory management
Carried Forward.
Conversion Testing – Definition of Scope
Gareth agreed to put together a definition of the scope of Conversion
Testing and circulate for review.
Team Leaders – Reaffirm commitment to team
The team leaders present suggested that all team leaders should write out to
their team members to re-affirm the commitment required from the team.
Team Leaders
Management Meeting
Graham suggested that the Standards Working Party should hold a management
meeting to determine the next steps and plan out work remaining to complete
the non-functional testing techniques.
Carried Forward.
New Joiners Guide
Isabel Evans suggested the production of a guide for new joiners which could
be posted on the Web Site. As Secretary Graham has direct contact with all new
members so will look at this.
Carried Forward.
Portability Testing - Meeting Actions
- Include an example which covers the porting of code from one environment to
- Include in the guidelines the fact that people use the term compatibility to
describe the portability testing example documented.
- Include investigative analysis and exploratory testing in the Portability
Testing guidelines.
- Update the technique to reflect the comments received in the meeting.
New Action.
Recovery/Disaster Recovery Testing – Meeting Actions
- Define the term Business Continuity in the glossary section.
- Include techniques in the design section for DR.
- Include inspection as a technique.
- Include in the technique that DR testing is testing the DR plan and not
testing that we have recovered after a disaster.
New Action.
5. Techniques Review
5.1 Security Testing
Brian Hambling briefly recapped the work of the team over the last
three months, including the changes to the team members during the period.
He then outlined the changes that had been made to the individual techniques,
and the team members then walked the meeting through the changes.
The following actions were recorded for the Security Testing Team:
Security Testing - Meeting Actions
- Review BS7799 for a list of vulnerabilities.
- Investigate the use of the Syntax Testing technique.
- Identify the difference between Configuration Auditing and Security
Configuration Auditing.
- Secure State Transition needs to be developed, with investigation into
whether this is a formal technique for inclusion.
- Obtain a copy of the Edvice document from Julian Harty (Performance/Stress
- Apply comments as noted in the meeting.
New Action.
5.2 Performance/Stress Testing
Steve Allott presented an update of the progress that the
Performance/Stress Team had made since their last meeting. They have now split
their work into 4 distinct documents; Normative, Guidelines, Glossary and
Reference Material.
Analysis and execution has been excluded form the techniques. They have also
described a ‘Performance Test Case’ and the difference between white and
black box performance testing.
Julian Harty then walked the meeting through the following techniques; Hardware Limits, Queue and Buffer Analysis (QBA), Data Driven & Query design, Industry Benchmarks (IB), and Traversal Interactivity.
The following actions were recorded for the Performance/Stress Testing Team:
Performance/Stress Testing – Meeting Actions
- Remove the Data Driven and Query Design technique from the standard.
- Clarify the wording and the use of the term ‘accuracy’.
- Investigate the Operational Profiling technique.
- Apply edits to the normative as detailed in the meeting
New Action.
6. Any Other Business:
Management Meeting
Request agenda items from the Team Leaders for the Management Meeting to be
held in June.
02/4.6 Further BS Testing Standards
Stuart Reid volunteered to apply to the BCS SIGIST Committee to sponsor a seat on the BSI committee to further the BS Testing Standards.
Graham thanked PA Consulting for their continued support in the provision of meeting rooms.
Graham also thanked all of the volunteers who responded to the request for assistance with the Recovery/Disaster Recovery and Security Teams.
02/4.7 Website Updates
Graham and John Kent agreed to agreed to set aside some time to discuss pending updates to the Standards Working Party website www.testingstandards.co.uk.
7. Next Meeting:
02/4.8 The updated list of meetings is shown below and is also available on the SWP website. The next meeting is a management meeting to plan the work remaining for the group to complete the Non-Functional Testing Techniques standard. All are welcome to attend, although priority for places at the meeting will go to the committee and Team Leaders.
Date |
Teams |
Techniques |
21-05-02 |
Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary & Team Leaders |
Meeting to plan the work remaining to complete the Non-Functional Testing Techniques. |
Team Leaders |
Glossary review meeting. |
All scheduled Team meetings will take place at PA (Consulting), 123 Buckingham Palace Road, London, between 14:00 and 17:00.
Graham Thomas Distribution: Attendees
3rd May 2002 Apologies
WP List
SIGIST Committee
By Request