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Latest News

Latest Minutes

The minutes of the latest SWP meeting have been published.

New Working Draft of BS7925-1

The working draft v6.3 of the Glossary of Software Testing is now available through the Glossary link.

New Look Web Site

This is a new version of the web site. It has been put live in a beta version for comments and to allow the latest information about the working party to be available as soon as possible. The following faults and improvement suggestions have been identified and will be corrected in the next version:

1. improvements to appearance - decoration and motives behind titles to be paler, giving more contrast with text colour, colour use to be reviewed, heading spacing to be reviewed

2. site map improvements - the site map is new for this version of the site, it has been automatically generated, an improved tailored version will be produced for the next version

3. some updates are required to the Applicability matrix; these will be agreed for the next version - if readers have suggestions for this matrix please send them via the feedback form

4. usability / accessibility checks/updates including use of e.g. Bobby tool to be carried out on all pages over time as changes are made

5. some navigation anomalies for example from menus on the non functional technique examples

6. matrices layout to be improved - grouping of existing information and additional links to standards definitions and guidelines 

7. performance is slow in some areas of the web site

New Way of Working

The working party has now moved to a new way of working - visit the Working Practices page for details

New Review Process

Visit the Review Process page for details

Conversion- Database Example

Isabel Evans has now completed minor edits to the example of conversion testing of a database.  It has now been uploaded to the website as a 'completed' example.  Many thanks Isabel.


All substantial changes to the site (new definitions of terms, new or modified non-functional testing definitions, guidelines or examples, etc.) are now being recorded on the new changes page.  This page will show the dates of changes, the author of the new material, and who provided comments on the changed material.